This evening we had a cookie baking night, and it was equal parts delicious, energizing, magical, and so much fun. We made peppermint pinwheels, orange pinwheels, and chocolate crinkle cookies. The recipe for the chocolate crinkle cookies is from here, and the pinwheel cookies are from a well-loved recipe book. My goal this Christmas break was to make new cookies recipes, and these were all new additions to the baking repertoire. :) It's a strange yet wonderful feeling to not have studies on my mind, and to be able to bake away with loved ones and let the spirit of Christmas envelop my thoughts - oh, holidays are such a blessing. Have a Merry Christmas, wonderful people! I hope you enjoy batch upon batch of cookies, cups of eggnog, and joyous time with loved ones. Much love, Vivi
Oh, today was beautiful. The snow fell gently almost the entire day, and the house radiated warmth. For the first day of Christmas break, I got to spend time with family, accomplish goals, and take the first day off studying in a long, long time. What made today wonderful? Terri Savelle Foy broadcasts. This lady is amazing, so inspiring, and has been a huge encouragement to me these past few weeks. I had her messages on repeat while I organized and painted. Speaking of painting, painting made today wonderful! I sat down with music playing and my water color paints beside me. I painted for almost two hours, letting the colors and shapes of the flowers come naturally. I almost never plan a painting, but let it come together as I feel inspired to add a new color, a new flower, a new element. Christmas wrapping. I placed the labels and ribbons on all of my loved ones' Christmas presents this year, and it feels so wonderful to have them wrapped and ready to be given. Dreaming big. Terri Savelle Foy talks a lot about letting yourself dream and believing God for those dreams to come to pass. The more I put my faith and trust in God, the more I am led to dream bigger than I ever have. There are no limits on God's goodness! It's up to me to dream it, ask for it, and believe for it. Much love, Vivi
Dear Mr. Hummingbird, Thank you for visiting this cold December morning I saw you fluttering with speed and agility And I couldn't look away Thank you for perching kindly, holding still for me to capture Your detailed feathers, round little body Thank you for reminding me That God cares about the details He put effort into your beauty, and finds pleasure when I find pleasure In the glory of His creation, In you, little Mr. Hummingbird