I've come to the conclusion that few things bring the kind of joy that chocolate cake and a full garden can. My brother is growing all sorts of veggies from seed this summer - zucchinis, tomatoes, snap peas (pictured above), blueberries, and carrots! We picked the first of the snap peas yesterday and they were the juiciest, crispest, freshest peas I've ever had. Here are a few short quotes about the glories of nature that resonate with me: "Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." Ralph Waldo Emerson "Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein "All my life through, the new sights of Nature made me rejoice like a child." Marie Curie Much love, Vivi
Dear Self, You awoke this morning to find A note, a card, a greeting Not in pencil or pen or type, But in word, in life, in meaning You stretched out your arms Opened morning eyes You put feet on the ground, and listened Your year has carried weight and substance In people, in time, in joy Your heart was open, and your mind, too Taking moments of softness to flow with gusts Of talk, ample work, and yet, Slumber Because you listened You heard the cry of a tired mind, and answered: Find plenty and give, to the chapped, cracked and shattered Find peace, and it will be yours Find joy, and share it Much love, Vivi
I looked in my draft blog posts folder this afternoon and was very surprised - I have 51 draft blog posts! 51! Many of these I didn't think were finished and weren't "good enough" to post. But as I flipped through so many of them, it saddened me that I have these memories stored away as drafts. Many of them contain precious images and words that reflect a specific season of life, and I wish I had posted them at the time I wrote them. In light of this, one of my goals for 2019 is to actually post what I write! I don't want these images and words to become forgotten, and the drafts folder is often pushed aside (for me, at least!) like a second recycling bin. So, without further ado, these are some memories from winter break 2018/2019 wrapped up in images. In 2018 I discovered a love for cooking (I know, not just baking anymore!) which has brought a lot of joy to the family. ;) I've mostly whipped up soups, stews, and curries, primarily because I find them the easiest meals for a beginner. The crock-pot and I have been best friends. This year I want to bring even more flavours to life, and more bread! Yes, the more bread the better. Almost nothing beats a freshly baked bread ring... My favourite is a herbed bread ring with basil, parsley, and rosemary (pictured above!) Looking forward to sharing more on this little space in 2019! Get ready for much food & joyous eating! :) Much love, Vivi