Sunday, 31 December 2017

Christmas Time, Oh Christmas Time!

Things I've loved this Christmas season: 
  • Baking a double layer pecan cake to kick off the Christmas treats (which included a large amount of cookies eaten so quickly that no camera could capture them...)
  • Crocheting my very first blanket! 
  • A fresh snowfall right in time for Christmas
  • Exploring classic Christmas treats with marzipan fruit creations. Apples, oranges, plums, grapes, pears, and bananas!  
  • A family Christmas dinner with a plethora of vegetables and creative dishes
This Christmas time has been a very peaceful and rejuvenating season, filled with excellent food and time spent with loved ones. I have begun reading an annotated version of Emma by Jane Austen, and oh my, the eloquent sentences and 19th century humor is fantastic. I officially start the final semester of my undergrad degree this Tuesday, so I'm indulging in all of the leisure reading I can fit in before textbooks take over... :) 

Much love, Vivi 

Friday, 13 October 2017

Dandelions, penny boards, and two lovely people

I took these photos of two absolutely wonderful people, Shelby and Tanner, a couple of months ago in late summer. The sun was a hazy red due to smoke moving south from the B.C. wildfires, and the evening air was warm and calm. These two make "couples photography" so easy. I follow around with my camera, happily snapping away as Shelby and Tanner fly around on penny boards, frolic in open fields, and hang out in front of a vintage school house. These are some of my favorite photos of these two - aren't they good looking?! And even more, they are two of the most fantastic people this world has. Thanks for making photography so fun, you two!  

Much love, Vivi     

Monday, 9 October 2017

Let Autumn Roll in Softly

With five weeks of my final year of university behind me, it's at last beginning to feel like autumn. 

The vibrant greens of leaves remove themselves from center stage as shades of burgundy and warm ocher yellow come to life. Gourds, crisp apples, and pumpkin pie fill the shelves of grocery stores, and with welcome arms we bring them into our home. The evenings are that magical kind of warm, with quilts and knitted goods and socks of familiar comfort. Decorations that smell of cinnamon and clove make their way from cupboards and totes, and memories, they come back quickly. 

Wishing you and your's a wonderful Thanksgiving, Canadian friends! Soak up the beautiful time with loved ones and ponder on some thoughts of thankfulness. What's on my heart right now? Thankful for peace, thankful for decisions made, thankful for people, thankful for resilience.    

Much love, Vivi 

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Fruit of the Garden

Today is the final day of August, marking five more days until the beginning of the fall semester. I'm excited to get back into the swing of lectures and assignments, new faces and familiar ones, university coffee and yam fries... Until then, I'm soaking up these last days of summer. 

The garden was particularly beautiful this summer; the blueberry bush bore its first fruit, the ochre yellow roses bloomed in both June and August, and an abundance of wild lavatera made itself known in lush collections of purple petals. I've grown to appreciate summer more. Nature manages to flourish despite piercing heat and lack of rain, and it gives us moments of peace to place our minds on throughout our days.    

Jane Austen captures it so well:

"To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment." - Jane Austen, Mansfield Park

Happy last day of August, friends! Here's to an excellent September! 

Much love, Vivi

Monday, 24 July 2017

The food of July

July has been, and continues to be, a really, really, excellent month. Amidst the final stretch of studying for my July 22nd exam (which is now an ever-distant memory!) there were really wonderful celebrations with friends and family. There was a constant flow of people in and out of the house this month, where I was able to spend time with both new and old faces. My brother baked the most beautiful chocolate cake, my mom blew us all away with new creations for the table, and eating food outdoors has become a regular occurrence. Don't worry after seeing all the sweet treats I consume - I promise I eat spinach (almost) daily! ;) 

I hope these photos inspire you to put on your favourite apron, whip up a delicious treat, and invite loved ones over to share!

Much love, Vivi     

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Release & Regrow

It was early May when I captured images of these remarkable blooms! Today the trees are full of leaves and devoid of any flowers, yet still look beautiful. The emergence of new growth now prepares the tree for more flowers next year and so the cycle continues: bloom, release, regrow. Enjoy these stunning sights! 

Oh, and by the way, Happy First Day of Summer! 

Much love, Vivi 

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Fields of Mint (featuring buttercups)

Off to the corner of our backyard grows the wildest species of mint I ever did see. It's tall, lush, and grabs the eye of anyone fortunate enough to find themselves near it. Not to be overlooked, of course, are the numerous buttercups strewn through the grass, growing just as beautifully. The buttercups, however, cannot be made into a delicious tea, dried for future use, and made into essential oils (unless I'm missing out on some well kept secret use of buttercups!) As the rain pounds against my window this afternoon, I thought I'd share some of the aspects of life lately that are bringing joy to my days: 

Listening to this timeless song, along with every other masterpiece on that album. 
Using the app "Runkeeper" to track my neighborhood runs - this is a huge source of motivation! 
Writing everyday in my trusty Moleskine to keep life organized. 
Wearing my new spoon ring, which looks something like this one
Listening to podcasts that encourage and inspire every morning 
All of the above photos (featuring cupcakes made by the most excellent brother, lilies and gladioli on the dining room table, a tree that I suspect to be a "robina" tree growing lusciously, and the aforementioned buttercups and mint). 

Much love, Vivi