Friday, 9 February 2018

Symphony of Colour

The past month has been a whirlwind of activity. I realized the other day just *how* busy things have been, which surprised me because I've been very calm and have been in a self-proclaimed "non-stressful" season. I don't think I realized how challenging preparing for a medical school interview would be. Although I loved the discussions and brain workouts that came with every practice session, I can't deny the challenge that accompanied actively practicing critical thinking, art interpretation, and analyzing ethical and social issues. It certainly opened up my eyes to relevant issues that I hadn't previously given much thought. I did a lot of reading and investigating, and sought out friends, family, and professors who I knew had more knowledge than me. What a learning curve! But I must say, what a fantastic learning curve! 

I'd like to call this past season of life a Symphony of Colour, not entirely in the literal sense, but mostly in the figurative way. I've had shades of thought fill my mind, tones and highlights of reflection, and new combinations of ideas invigorate creativity. It has been quite exciting.

Now, I must wait until May (yes, MAY!) to hear the results of my interview. Applying to medical school has been no small feat, but it has been an incredible journey of growth. Here's to a new season, a new journey, and graduating in June! 

Much love, Vivi

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