Friday, 10 February 2012

Valentine's Heart Warmers

I love it when Valentines Day rolls around each year. I love how it gives us an excuse to show a little love, watch a mushy chick flick, and eat far too much chocolate. In the spirit of Valentines Day, I was inspired to create these fabric heart warmers!

To create these beauties all you need is your choice of fabric, a needle and thread, and some rice! Cut two separate hearts and begin to sew on the perimeter. When you are 3/4 finished sewing, fill the heart up with rice. White rice, brown rice, any type of rice works! Flax seeds also work great. Once your heart is filled up, finish off the sewing. To end off your thread, loop your needle through the same spot about five times and tie off your thread. Yay! Pat yourself on the back, you crafty devil, you!

I used a soft fleece for the first heart, loved it so much, and decided to try a floral pattern as well! Just pop one in the microwave for 45 seconds and enjoy! I like putting them on my back, or even keeping one in my pocket when it's cold outside!
Have fun crafting & sharing these with loved ones! (Or just keeping them for yourself. Trust me, you'll want to... :)

Much love, Vivi


  1. what a really cute idea! id love to get one of these for valentine's day xx

    My Blog: Boho Vanity

  2. They are absolutely gorgeous <3

  3. This is a fantastic idea! Totally want to try it and give as gifts to friends.

