Wednesday, 15 July 2015

All ages and stages

J U L Y 15th
I'm blogging everyday for the month of July, sharing what I learn about what it means to be a steward of time. Time is so precious. This series is a personal experiment where I hope to get a better look into where I invest my time, and how I can better shape my life to serve God through my actions, words, and priorities. Look up the tag "July series" to view each post. 
Reviewing Calculus concepts for a quiz tomorrow. Enter big white board  and a loooot of repetition.
Having a volunteer shift at the local hospital. This was so much fun. Myself and another team leader shadowed the regular information desk volunteers, who are two older ladies with the most hilarious senses of humor. 
Attending a training session for in-school mentoring (for elementary aged kids- oh my heart!) 
Rest & Enjoyment:
Having a quick Starbucks run with my dad for their green juice blended with ice. After finishing mine I realized I didn't take a picture of the delicious thing, so I took a picture of the empty cup instead.. ;)
Enjoying a pancake dinner with my family. One day I will share this recipe for coconut flour pancakes. They are wheat free, dairy free, and sugar free!
Taking photos of the hydrangeas blooming in the backyard. The tomatoes are also doing really well this year (as pictured above).
Take aways:
One of the best parts of today was talking to the ladies at the information desk. They were bursting with life experience, and they willingly shared their stories with equal amounts of humor and wisdom. It made me realize even more how much I enjoy spending time with people of diverse ages. The ladies may have been 50 to 60 years older than me, but our large age gap didn't serve as a stumbling block to learning from one another. It actually served as a huge benefit. Their life experience was such a blessing to listen to, and watching them interact with patients and the public with grace and clarity was so inspiring.  
In the afternoon, I spent a few hours at an orientation on mentoring elementary school aged children. I couldn't help but smile to myself. Both the young and the old, all in one day. As I look back at these moments now, I seriously believe in the importance of interacting with people of diverse ages. Of course, I love young adults, but there is more than enough room in my heart for little children and seniors.
So, who should I have time for? To listen to, gain insight from, help, to laugh with? All ages and stages.
Much love, Vivi 

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